Page 146 - Zbornik_Konf_2019
P. 146
4 International Scientific Conference Abstracts Book
Serhii Velychko , Valerii Brovarskyi , Ján Brindza 2
1 National University of Life and Environmental Scienсes of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;
2 Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Biosafety, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food resources,
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic
The technology of receiving bee bread using demountable made up honeycomb was
developed not long ago. It is successfully used in the apiaries with not numerous bee colonies.
At the same time, this technology hasn’t been widely spread in bee farms and beekeeping
communities. The aim of this work is to develop a technological scheme of producing
beebread for industrial apiaries. It will encourage increasing of production of beebread and
improving its quality.
The object of research was the bee colonies of the apiaries in the central region of
Ukraine. While developing the scheme of receiving beebread, feed supplies of the areas with
apiary spots (50–60 colonies on one spot) were taken into consideration. Research group –
bee colonies of the apiaries, which had in the zone of productive flight of bees a big number of
melliferous and polliniferous plants were used for obtaining bee bread (group1). At the
apiaries with a poorer bee forage bee colonies were used for processing pollen into bee bread
(group 2). It was here where the bee bread collected during a day was brought. The bee bread
was poured and tightened up into the honey combs prepared earlier and then they were
placed to the bikes for 2 weeks. To compare the effectiveness of this developed scheme
several commercial apiaries were used (control) where technological chain consisted of
getting from the colonies both pollen and bee bread. On each variant of bee bread production,
the labour productivity and the amount of commercial production in conversion to a bee
colony were defined.
Working on a general scheme of getting bee bread it was established that correlation
between the colonies from which pollen is received and those used for bee bread production
depends on the period of the season. So, for the period of flowering of winter rape, orchards,
forest wild grasses it is enough to have 4–5 bee gardens for getting bee pollen and one bee
garden for its processing into bee bread. When the process collecting of pollen is falling
down – first half of summer, the correlation must be 7–8 bee gardens to 1. By getting pollen
and bee bread separately, labour productivity increases 3.4–4.2 times as much. Related to one
bee colony for this option, it was received 48.1 % more of the commercial production than in
the control group.
Taking into consideration the high effectiveness of industrial obtaining of bee bread
using demountable made up honeycombs, it is reasonable to have a separate scheme of
technologies at bee farms and beekeeping communities. Correlation of bee colonies for
obtaining pollen and bee bread must be defined with regard to the period of the season and
food supply of the area.
Keywords: bee bread, the technology of obtaining, beekeeping communities.
The publication was prepared with the active participation of researchers in international network
AgroBioNet, within the project ITEBIO-ITMS 26220220115.
|146 4 International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity Nutrition, Health and Quality of Human and Bees Life
September 11–13, 2019