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             4  International Scientific Conference                                            Abstracts Book
                        Romana Petrina, Sofia Suberlyak, Olha Shved, Viktoriia Havryliak,
                                 Olena Fedorova, Zoriana Hubrii, Semen Khomyak

                   Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine; E-mail.:
                  To preserve the natural reserves of plants, especially rare ones, on the verge of
            extinction or to be included in the Red Book, and to provide quality, environmentally friendly
            plant materials, a biotechnological method of growing in vitro is used. The method has many
            advantages: biomass is obtained regardless of weather and season, in large quantities, does
            not contain toxic substances and contains secondary metabolites present in the parent plant.
            Medicinal plants are an important raw material base for traditional medicines, modern
            medicines, nutrients, dietary supplements, traditional medicine, pharmaceutical intermediate
            products, they have many biologically active compounds that can not be obtained by chemical
                  The purpose of this study was to obtain  and research biomass  of plants family
            Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl  and  Ranunculaceae Juss. The study of seeds of  Calendula
            officinalis L., Arnica Montana L., Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni, Carlina acaulis L., Adonis
            vernalis L., Delphinium elatum L.
                  Methods. Seeds of plants were sprout in vitro on the Murasige-Skuha (MS) medium at 20
            o С aseptically. Plants are transferred to the nutrient medium  of MS with the addition of
            growth regulators for the production of callus biomass. Individual conditions (temperature,
            illumination, composition, and concentration of growth regulators) were selected for each
                  The callus biomass was dried, extracts were obtained which were investigated for the
            presence of secondary metabolites. Extraction of plant material was also carried out. As an
            extractant, 70 % ethanol is used. Extraction was carried out by infusion over 48 hours when
            stirring. The extracts were filtered for further studies.
                  Qualitative and quantitative reactions have been made to determine phenolic
            compounds, flavonoids, amino acids, vitamins A and C, alkaloids and terpenoids. The content
            of secondary metabolites in plant callus biomass and plant biomass was comparable.
                  Results. As a result of the conducted studies, optimal compositions of nutrient media for
            callusogenesis of plants family  Asteraceae and  Ranunculaceae  were determined. Also, the
            influence on the growth of callus biomass such  parameters as the size of the explant, the
            origin of the explant (root, stem, leaf), illumination was investigated. The best results are
            obtained using explants of at least 0.4–0.5 mm, 2000 lux, 16/8 (light / dark) lighting. The time
            of cultivation is offered – 40–50 days, depending on the plant. The technology of production of
            callus biomass of plants is developed Calendula officinalis, Arnica montana, Stevia rebaudiana,
            Carlina acaulis, Adonis vernalis, Delphinium elatum. The presence of secondary metabolites in
            plant extracts and callus biomass has been confirmed, and a comparative analysis of the
            results has been carried out.
                  Thus, the obtained results testify to the  possibility of using  callus biomass as an
            alternative source of secondary metabolites of family  Asteraceae and  Ranunculaceae. The
            developed technology has several advantages, namely profitability, ecological compatibility,
            plant preservation, process automation.
            Keywords: callus biomass of plants, Calendula officinalis, Arnica montana, Stevia rebaudiana, Carlina
            acaulis, Caltha palustris, Adonis vernalis, Delphinium elatum.

           4  International Scientific Conference Agrobiodiversity Nutrition, Health and Quality of Human and Bees Life  |123
                                               September 11–13, 2019
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